Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for the complimentary e-ARC and the publisher for the complimentary hard-copy. All opinions provided are my own.The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem has a killer first line. You know, one of those that kind of stops you in your tracks. Though there were moments after that where I was temporarily confused by the worldbuilding, at a certain point I became totally invested in this story & couldn’t wait to see what happened. The ending left me shocked to my core (!) & waiting to see what happens in book 2. The premise of this fantasy is that magic is not allowed to be performed any longer, but our heroine Sylvia does it in front of the greatest threat to her: the leader of the monitoring force that makes sure magic isn’t being performed, & an heir, Arin. If you want forced proximity, slow burn with eventual kissing & a stunning ending that will make you wonder what & how & when things will happen in book 2, check this one out. It’s a lot of fun! 4.5⭐️. Out 07/18.Please see a trusted reviewer's list of CWs.
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April 2024