Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for the complimentary e-ARC. All opinions provided are my own. This blog post features affiliate links.Yes, please for a wary alliance made between two hotties who have to work together to rescue a kidnapped child & bring down a major baddie—all in space. Bounty hunter Cyn Khaw has one major mission: to find the person responsible for kidnapping her cousin years ago & bring them down before they can cause any more devastation. She joins in with the crew of the Calamity to do so, including medic Micah who she’s had physical feelings for since their introduction in the previous book. Trust is not automatically granted from either of them, something made more tension-filled since Cyn has been forced into betraying him (but will she actually do it?). A yummy book, Fiasco offers so much to space romance fans: an intriguing mystery & suspense plot, two wary leads learning to trust & falling in love, a heroine who reconnects with her family & takes an ultimate leap… Such a great book & I can’t wait to see where the series goes next. 5⭐️. Out 05/21.Lots of CWs including: death, violence, blackmail, kidnapping of children, reference to human trafficking, reference to cults, being spaced.
Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for the complimentary e-ARC. All opinions provided are my own.An enemies to lovers space opera with an uptight hero?! Say less. Say more. Whatever, I want more details. Calamity by Constance Fay is such a fun ride & gave me those thrills of discovering a new author that I clicked with. Captain Temperance Reed has been banished from her family & from certain parts of space. But she’s offered a job she can’t refuse, as much as she would like to. She’s going on a scouting mission of a planet for a powerful family & she has to take their hot son, a prince named Arcadio Escajeda, with her. Now we’re talking. Also he’s their security & he’s uptight & he believes the mean rumors her brother started about her, something he learns are false pretty quickly. Now we’re talking again. With lots of action, a strong hero who “rumbles” a lot, some humor & , & those enemies to lovers dynamics I love so hard, Calamity is sure to please so many of you. 4.5⭐️. Out 11/14.Please reads the CWs of a trusted reviewer.
Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for the complimentary e-ARC and the publisher for the complimentary hard copy. All opinions provided are my own.Yesterday I shared some memes about “just once to get it out of our systems” & it might have been on my brain because of this book, Capture the Sun by Jessie Mihalik. Our poor lust-stricken leads try that around 20% & gee, I’m so sorry it doesn’t work ;). Why are they so determined to do it once? Lexi Bowen, a recovery specialist (read: basically a thief, for good sometimes but often for money), feels like she was previously betrayed by Nilo Shoren. Not letting herself be vulnerable with too many, Lexi feels doubly wounded by what he did. So in this book our leads come back together & amidst various little misunderstandings & the memory of Nilo’s past actions they try to do it *just once.* Space opera lovers, fans of (eventual) solid communication, & those interested in a scene where a heroine has an orgasm stimulated by a mental experience the hero gives her might be into this one. There are moments when this book—like others I’ve read by the author—feels too bogged down by detail & I struggle to concentrate, but overall these adventures are fun & steamy & feature leads who are brave in pursuit of what they think is right, thieves or not. 4⭐️. Out 06/20. [ID: Jess’s white hand holds a copy of the book over gray rocks at the beach. A piece of driftwood is in the background, as is a blue sky.]Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the complimentary ARC. All opinions provided are my own.Anytime anyone is asking for recs in the Ilona Andrews-ish mode, I rush in shouting *Jessie Mihalik’s series.* Hunt the Stars was a fun introduction to the crew of Starlight’s Shadow & to the general tension that lingers post-intergalactic war & Eclipse the Moon, this upcoming release out 07/12, continues both of those trends with a sunshine & the grump story this time. Sunshiney data genius Kee has had feelings for grumpy Varro, a Valovan, since after he arrived on her ship in the last book. But he’s apparently resistant to her charms. So in an effort to remove herself from (supposedly) Unrequited Pining Central & also to get some much-needed data regarding the intergalactic threat they all used to work for, Kee stays on a planet by herself. Which prompts Varro to risk his own life if he isn’t also allowed off-ship by their Captain so that he can protect her. Me-ow. This story, with its confessions of mutual pining & feeling, with his multiple displays of protective feeling (including him sleeping outside of her room & the aforementioned threat of airwalking through space to chase after her!), does satisfy romantically on an emotional level. Their mutual care for the other comes in handy when his honor as a protector comes into question & the slow burn is always a nice touch! But I do wish that in addition to the romance that plays out on the pages they also established more of their past with the other. & with me 🥴😆. As it is, it just feels a little superficial to me, like a lost opportunity. This series has been entertaining & interesting. Check it out if you’re looking for something with high stakes & quite the (anticipatory) wait for spice! 4 ⭐️. Release date: 07/12.
4⭐️. |
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