This article. I’m a sucker for any article featuring colorized historical photos, and this one’s particularly interesting to me: the 1903 Romanov Costume Party. It’s fascinating how the colorization makes the subjects—the Czar and czarina and others—feel more modern. Check out those clothes and jewels!
This baby. Baby #3 is starting to move more and more, and I’m loving the Elaine Benes-style dancing going on in there. Other baby news: we’re finding out the baby’s sex in August; Sam is really excited for a sister (but not a baby brother) and it’s probably best for all parties concerned that Raymond does not understand what’s coming; maternity jorts are the best jorts of any jorts. These flowers. I know I’ve talked about our flowers before, but in between my last Things I’m Loving post and this one, our zinnias have exploded. While Daniel and I have planted flowers before, it’s never been to this extent, and never on a piece of property that felt really like ours (I'm totally ignoring that we have a mortgage). The colors are beautiful, and I love seeing butterflies and bees stop by for a snack. This book. I reviewed it here, but in case you missed it, here’s the Amazon link. This m/m romance is truly special. Read it, please! This recipe. One day you might accept that you will never have the wrist dexterity to flip a pancake successfully. Then you will also remember that there is something called a waffle, and you happen to have a waffle maker. I've been using this recipe except I add a little vanilla, and I've been feeling like a champ. These tomatoes. No one ever talks about how vigilant you have to be when it comes to picking these fruits. First of all, there’s the ripeness factor. Then there are the animals, which love to take nibbles with their ferocious little teeth, nibbles you don’t always initially see because they’re on the underside of a deceivingly beautiful curve of fruit. It’s a waiting game of epic culinary proportion but oh my are they worth it. I love to eat them sliced and sprinkled with salt, or turned into bruschetta and lovingly dumped on top of French bread. As always, you can find me on Instagram to see more of what I'm loving/reading.
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April 2024